January 4, 2024

How Frequently Is Laser Maintenance Required?

In contemporary manufacturing, laser technology finds widespread application across diverse sectors, encompassing laser cleaning machines, laser marking machines, fiber laser cutting machines, laser welding machines, portable laser welding machines, and other equipment. These cutting-edge laser devices play a pivotal role in enhancing production efficiency, enabling precision processing, and fostering innovative design. However, to ensure the …

How Frequently Is Laser Maintenance Required? Read More »

An Important Breakthrough Has Been Made In Domestic High-Power Ultraviolet Lasers!

High-power UV lasers are widely used in wafer scribing, ceramic substrate cutting, silicon-based substrate drilling, flexible circuit board cutting and many other fields. With the continuous improvement of processing fineness and production efficiency, the requirements for the beam quality, output power and stability of ultraviolet lasers are getting higher and higher. Laser Delta has been …

An Important Breakthrough Has Been Made In Domestic High-Power Ultraviolet Lasers! Read More »

What Role Does Laser Processing Equipment Play In The Agricultural Machinery Industry

The rapid development of the agricultural machinery industry and the acceleration of product upgrading have put forward an urgent demand for modern processing technology. Advanced processing methods such as CNC laser processing can shorten the product development cycle and improve product production efficiency, especially for complex parts in newly developed products, it is more advantageous …

What Role Does Laser Processing Equipment Play In The Agricultural Machinery Industry Read More »

Application Of Laser Cutting Machine In Iron And Steel Metallurgy Industry

The laser processing technology used by the laser cutting machine is a composite advanced manufacturing technology that integrates optical, mechanical, electrical, material processing and testing disciplines. Laser cutting replaces traditional mechanical knives with invisible beams. It has the characteristics of high precision, fast cutting, not limited to cutting patterns, automatic typesetting to save materials, smooth …

Application Of Laser Cutting Machine In Iron And Steel Metallurgy Industry Read More »

The Use Of Cleaning

The energy crisis has promoted the development of new energy vehicles, and as the power source of new energy vehicles, the demand for new energy power batteries is increasing at an annual rate of 80%. From the data predicted by GGII, the global demand for power batteries will exceed 1100GWh by 2030, which will increase …

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JPT Background

JPT was established on April 18, 2006. The founding team chose to enter the field of fiber lasers. The first product was a pulsed fiber laser. However, pulsed fiber lasers mainly include structural designs such as Q-switching, mode-locking and MOPA, which led JPT to make a subdivision technology route decision in this field. MOPA pulsed …

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Laser Welding Solutions For Tiny Devices In The Medical Device Industry

With the continuous development of laser welding technology, laser welding technology has also been widely used in the field of medical equipment. As a special commodity used in the human body, medical equipment has extremely high requirements for product quality. The structure of medical device products is extremely small and the process is complex, so …

Laser Welding Solutions For Tiny Devices In The Medical Device Industry Read More »

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